Companion Mount And Blade

Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Companions Guide

Companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord have several functions. Like your character, they possess skills that can prove extremely useful on (and off) the battlefield. A companion with highly developed combat skills will help you kill enemies, and a companion with advanced Medicine skills will heal your soldiers. Companions can also help with quests by performing them for you.

Mount & Blade Bannerlord How to Locate Companions?

  1. Mar 30, 2020 How To Upgrade Troops In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Companions are basically copies of the main character in regards to how they can progress and the gear they can have. You can equip brand new armor, weapons, or talent points to any Companion in your party.
  2. See full list on

To find any companion in the game, follow the following instructions:

  • 1. Press ‘n’ to bring up the Encyclopedia
  • 2. Go to the ‘heroes’ tab
  • 3. Scroll down and filter (on the left tab) under occupation the ‘Wanderer’.
  • 4. This lists all the available companions with their location and skills

Note: You can see the companion their (main) stats if you click on them and look at the bottom left.

Mount & Blade Bannerlord Companion List

This list shows all the available companions I have met so far in the game.

It’s a matter of time before it will be explained. Feel free to reply or contact me to share the knowledge of new companions.

Orgunda the Wronged:

  • Stats: full vigor
  • Specialize: 1h / 2h/ polearm
  • Location: Askar

Name: Juthys the Wronged

  • Stats: Control and Vigor
  • Specialize: 1 or 2 skills into all skills of control and vigor
  • Location: Razih

Name: Temyr the Fish

  • Stats: Vigor / Control
  • Specialize: 2h / bow
  • Location:

Name: Davan Frostbeard

  • Stats: Vigor / control
  • Specialize: 2h / archery / riding / scouting
  • Location:

Name: Kryslav Bloodaxe

  • Stats: Vigor / control / endurance
  • Specialize: 1 or 2 points into vigor, control and endurance
  • Location:

Name: Alkirya Willowbark

  • Stats: Vigor / control / endurance
  • Specialize 1 or 2 into vigor, control and endurance. 2 points in medicine.
  • Location:

Name: irah the Black

  • Stats: Vigor/control
  • Specialize: Max archery / 1 hand
  • Location: Onira

Una the Healer:

  • Stats: Vigor / control / Intelligence
  • Specialize: 1h / bow / medicine / scouting
  • Location: Phycaon
Hire companion mount and blade

Best Companion Mount And Blade

Nadea the Black:

  • Stats: Vigor/controll/endurance
  • Specialize: 2h / polearm / bow
  • Location: Amprela

How to Find Companions in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

You will encounter various companions in the different cities of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. You can usually find them inside taverns or in that location’s tavern district.

For a complete list of all available companions do the following from the world map:

Hit N to open the encyclopedia.
Navigate to Heroes.
Scroll down and check the Wanderer occupation.
Each of these characters can be recruited into your army. In each entry you can see their skills, traits, and last known location. This should help you track them down though they consistently move throughout the world so be prepared to do some searching.

Mount & Blade Bannerlord How to Hire a Companion

To hire a companion, simply approach them and ask them to join you. They’ll request that you first settle their outstanding debts which are usually in the tens of thousands of gold. So be ready to pay out some good gold.

See Full List On

M&B Which Companion Should I Hire?

That’s entirely up to you! You can get an idea as to what a companion’s specialty is based on their titles.

Mount And Blade Companion List

  • Warriors: Shieldmaiden, Red, Coalbiter, Wanderer, Breakskull, Wronged
  • Tacticians: Lucky, Bloodaxe
  • Scouts: Frostbeard, Fish
  • Healers: Healer, Willowbark
  • Rogue: Black, Longknife, Accursed, Robber

Since this is an early access game, things are subject to change. The companions system is still very much a work in progress. The only available companions right now are randomly generated. In time there will be actual companions with backstories, quests, etc. We’ll do our best to keep the guide up to date, but can’t promise we’ll have everything updated right away.

Where To Hire Companion Mount And Blade 2

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