Google Blog
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We use Google’s CSE (Custom Search Engine) for our website and blog. Today I used the search feature and found ads on our site! That did not make me happy. It turns out that Google does not auto-renew your subscription for CSEs, you have to pay manually. They say that they will notify you a month before the subscription expires, but they did not do that. I looked through all emails including spam folders and found nothing. I guess Google think they’ll make more money off of ads than they will my $100 yearly subscription to an ad-free CSE? I marked my calendar next year to remind me to renew the subscription. If you have a CSE, you should too.
Google Blog Opera
- Google Books is an additional coolest service Google has provided. It's really a great place to research the books you would like for everything, studying, essay writing, teaching, and much more.
- Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Google Blogger Templates
Recent speculation had it that Google was attempting to KILL off the competition by funding reports that showed Google’s Chrome browser at the top of the Browser War’s. If you buy a domain through Google and don’t renew your domain registration before it expires, some Google Cloud services, such as Gmail, will stop working. You also risk losing ownership of the dom.